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Beautifully Unblemished: Shine the Spotlight on Vitiligo and Light of Florida for Vitiligo

By 7 June 2024No Comments

Beautifully Unblemished, is committed to raising awareness, providing support, and funding research to understand better and treat vitiligo. This month, we are launching a special campaign to amplify our efforts, and we need your help.

 Your donation for vitiligo awareness can make a significant impact by:

  1. Funding Research: Supporting scientific research to discover new treatments and eventually a cure for vitiligo.
  2. Providing Support Services: Offering counselling, support groups, and educational resources for individuals and families affected by vitiligo.
  3. Raising Awareness: Creating and distributing educational materials to dispel myths and promote understanding about vitiligo.

 Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Make a Donation: Visit our website www.beautifullyunblemished.orgor click the link to Donate to make a secure online donation. Every contribution, regardless of size, helps us get closer to our goals.
  2. Spread the Word: Share the campaign Shine the Spotlight on Vitiligo and Light of Florida for Vitiligo on social media using the hashtags #shinethespotlightonvitiligo and #lightupfloridaforvitiligo.  During June various locations will be showcasing our Vitiligo Awareness Exhibition highlighting individuals living with the condition, if you visit one of the locations tag @beautifullyunblemished and use #shinethelightonvitiligo.  Also, various cities will be lit up in purple to raise awareness.  If you visit one of those locations tag us @beautifullyunblemished and use the #lightupfloridaforvitiligo.  Your voice can help us reach a wider audience.
  3. Get Involved: Join our events and activities this month. Check our website for a calendar of events and find ways to participate in your community.

By supporting the Beautifully Unblemished cause, you are not only helping to advance research and provide vital resources, but you are also standing in solidarity with those living with the condition. Together, we can foster a more inclusive and understanding society.

Upcoming events for June:

Visit the VIPOC page for more information about upcoming events of VIPOC members, here.

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